Friday, June 10, 2011

PM to open CEPEP office in Tobago, says people there must not be deprived of work

Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar will on Friday open a new CEPEP office in Tobago.

She told reporters Thursday night at an event at Black Rock, Tobago, the move is to end the uneven of distribution of resources between Trinidad and Tobago.

“We cannot have discrimination in Tobago for whatever reason it may be," she said "We are not the Government of Trinidad. We are the Government of Tobago and Trinidad.”

The Prime Minister said people who oppose the idea of CEPEP have expressed concerns about whether the program could operate legally in Tobago. She said she has asked for an received advice from the Attorney General who noted that people in Tobago have not had work in CEPEP since 2009.

She said the THA had $2.8 million in 2009 for CEPEP but the money was returned to the central government.

“They deprived the people of Tobago of those employment opportunities. We will go forward as I am advised in law. It will be up to you, the people of Tobago who will ensure that you benefit as you rightfully deserve to benefit," she said. 

"We will not act outside of the law we will act within the law. We will open that office.”

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Jai & Sero

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