Tuesday, June 7, 2011

A personal view - from Caribbean Talk

After trying the disguises of the NAR and now the COP, here comes the ONR again in its latest disguise trying to muscle its way into power via the UNC. 

No one was perhaps happier than the old ONR when Dookeran left/was kicked out of the UNC, for they saw an opportunity to again regroup in an attempt to gain power. So they all jumped on the Winston band wagon.

So along with a group of UNC rejects they skillfully placed haloes on their heads and re-emerged as the holier than thou COP, the paragons of virtue in TT politics. Victims of their own illusions, they saw Dookeran as having the entire Indian vote bank behind him and their opportunity to again ride on their backs into power.

But they had one little problem, their dreams were shattered by Kamlamania. 

Winston the most astute politician among them knew the game was up and decided to salvage what he could to get into government since he realized that COP had no support or financing to go into an election. 

It is easy enough to say 'go it alone' but Winston knows what it is like to be begging at closed doors and he decided to take what he could get from a bad situation and a seat at the table of government.

In fact Winston has already seen which direction the wind is blowing and has perhaps decided to get out before the next election when the COP/ONR again begins calling 'to go it alone', as they did under the NAR. 

He has been there and done that. He knows fully well his strength as a member of the ULF/UNC is a far cry from his strength and influence on the Indian vote as a member of the COP. 

And he has suffered enough embarrassment and bulling by the ONR as he cares to take, by those who did not support him for leadership when he stood his best chance in the 1991 election.

When Winston leaves my prediction is that the COP will again descend into anarchy as did the NAR/ONR, with a running battle between those in government and those outside of government. Even a new party being formed consisting of the old ONR fraction vs the recent COP members who supported Winston against Panday.

Aaron John
from the group: CaribbeanTalk@yahoogroups.com

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Jai & Sero

Jai & Sero

Our family at home in Toronto 2008

Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai