Monday, June 6, 2011

Jack recommits to T&T, says his duty is to serve 1.3 million

Chaguanas West MP Jack Warner recommitted himself to the people of Trinidad and Tobago, telling supporters at an Indian Arrival Day rally Felicity "as long as I have the confidence of the Prime Minister to sit in her Cabinet, I will continue to serve and to make my contribution."

He expressed his gratitude for the love and confidence of the People of Chaguanas West for electing him to serve. He also thanked Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar for the trust she has placed in him.

And he promised "both yourselves and the Prime Minister that I will never let you down."

The Works and Transport Minister said he entered public service because he wanted to be and agent of the change for which Trinidad and Tobago had been yearning decades.

He said while his is focused on improving Trinidad and Tobago he also has a contribution to make to football at the local, regional and international levels.

He noted that for 28 years he has been involved at an official during which time a lot has changed. "And I am not finished. I still have more to contribute, and For the Good of the Game, why should I stop now?

He said people are concerned about what is going on in FIFA. "Let me remind you that I have been vindicated by FIFA of the allegations made by Lord Triesman.

"And, when all the evidence is examined by FIFA, I am confident that I will also be cleared and vindicated in the recent matter. It is just a matter of time and patience to let the process work," he said.

He said his work with FIFA has not affected his performance at the Ministry of Works and Transport and he had a message for his critics. "For those who say that FIFA business will affect the operations of the Ministry of Works and Transport, I say, Open your eyes, if you so wish! Look around!"

He outlined some his achievements in his first year in office. "In just one year the MOWT has completed the Churchill Roosevelt Highway expansion. There is now not a single traffic light between Golconda and Port of Spain. The traffic into town is almost gone.

"Last night, I was at the Chaguanas West office until one am seeing over 300 persons from constituencies across the country – listening to their needs and trying to find solutions.

"So, FIFA is not depriving you of my service," he declared.

The chairman of the United National Congress (UNC) said people are saying, “A dog cannot serve two masters.” He made his position clear on that.

"Let me tell them I do not have two masters. In Trinidad and Tobago alone I serve 1.3 million masters! And I am yet to find one person who does not believe that I am performing beyond the level of expectation - and 1,000 per cent better than Colm Imbert!"

With respect to calls for his removal from cabinet Warner said "the appointment and disappointment" of ministers is the prerogative of the Prime Minister.

He said he was appointed a minister because of the confidence the Prime Minister. "And I continue to serve as a Minister, presumably, because she remains confident.

"And every day that I continue to have the confidence of the Prime Minister and to serve in her government I say, “Thank you Mrs Persad-Bissessar. Thank you citizens. I will not let you down.”

He added, "I recommit myself to being an agent of change. I recommit myself to remedying the neglect and discrimination perpetrated on our citizens for the last 50 years by the PNM.

"I recommit myself to working with Mrs Persad-Bissessar and the People’s Partnership to deliver our mandate of bringing the services the PNM has deprived you of and to making your lives better.

"And as long as I have the confidence of the Prime Minister to sit in her Cabinet, I will continue to serve and to make my contribution."

He concluded with advice for everyone.

"Live for your children as our forefathers lived for us. Do not forget the sacrifices they made to make you who you are today. Educate your children so that they can improve their circumstances and also so that they can Change the World and our country."

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Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai