Monday, May 2, 2011

Today's quote: Roodal Moonilal, housing minister of T&T

1 comment:

Sheridan said...

moonilal needs to take his threats to support berlesconi pervertexd misconduct and blatter threats like these rats for personal favours and threats to not threatenh violenbnt disgusting hollywood rats who with his help and the alcoholic bisessar demand personal favours and denegrate persons who have been victimuized with the polices assitance on moonilals request to provide these stars andf foreigners with info he demands without a court order but at the point of a machine gun for these corrupt perveted lecheour foreigner and the victim moonilal has been stalking to frmae with clintons for vile lies he is violently pursuing with ramadhar a real corrupt mentally imbalanced claim and demands which are boderline manic like bisessars rants and her belligernt stalking habit toinvade perons privacy to to abuse them to extricate information while publicly insulting them and demanding friendships despite being vehemently rejected and using vile perverted blater and berleconi toabuse people to steal money from wealthy persons who have already warned clinton and bisessar to cease their harassment perhaps bisessa rneeds to be taken to court with moonilkla l who reported poor warners position to oust him and play the hero the ugly indian rapist who intrudes in intl reports to spew lies and threats like manic bisessar who has been labeling others crazy unlike herself and corrupt reporters hammer etc who enjoy perveted filthy uwi lecturers trying to assault persons whith moonilalss help a really disturbing group of trsh is yet to be seen.

Jai & Sero

Jai & Sero

Our family at home in Toronto 2008

Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai