Friday, May 27, 2011

AG to appoint new team to probe NP contract: Express report

A report in the Trinidad Express Friday said that Attorney General Anand Ramlogan will appoint a new team to investigate the contract award process at NP.

The paper said Ramlogan made the disclosure in an interview at the Crown Plaza Hotel on Wednesday night where he was attending a Maha sabha Indian Arrival day function.

Energy Minister Carolyn Seepersad-Bachan recused herself from the probe last week after learning that a member of her family had a business connection with the contractor who has raised concerns about the contract. She said the report of the independent investigation into the the matter would go director to the AG.

The Express said Ramlogan told its reporter that he is in the process of a new investigative team and could not give a deadline for completing the probe. The paper said Ramlogan did not say who would be on the new team except that his preference would be to have investigators who are "completely independent of the Energy Ministry".

The team that Seepersad-Bachan appointed is led by Indira Rampaul-Chadee, acting head of her ministry's legal division. It includes Reynold Mahadeo, head of Audit of Production Sharing Contracts; Joyce Lynch, legal adviser; and Deborah Persadie-Jones, Petrotrin's manager Commercial and Project Controls.

The report was to be presented in seven days. The Express reported that Seepersad-Bachan said she is not aware of any new team being appointed. 

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