Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Magistrate cautions lawyer about appearing for accused in Guerra murder case

Lawyer Kevin Rattiram is host of a television the crime show "Eye on Crime" on WIN TV and recently interviewed Rona Indarsingh, the mother of murdered Gasparillo schoolboy Daniel Guerra.

Rattiram is also representing the man accused in the murder of the eight-year-old who disappeared from his home one Friday last month. Police found the boy's body two days later in the Taruba river.

Police Constable Darwin Ghouralal is charged with the murder of Daniel Guerra and appeared in court in San Fernando Tuesday.

When Rattiram advised Deputy Chief Magistrate Mark Wellington that he was representing the accused, Wellington had some advice for the lawyer.

“I think there is something that I should draw to your attention. I think it is my duty to mention it to you. I think you should think about this,” Wellington said as he suggested that Rattiram should seriously consider whether he wanted to represent the accused.

The magistrate did not elaborate, leading Rattiram to speculate it may have something to do with the fact he interviewed the victim's mother, which could create a conflict. 

Daniel's mother was not in court Tuesday when Ghouralal appeared before Wellington. However her parents, Shirley and Randolph Indarsingh were there.

Rattiram advised the court that he was ready to proceed with the matter and enquired about when a prosecutor would be appointed. Police prosecutor acting Insp Robin Rampersad said he was not sure.

The magistrate adjourned the matter to May 3.

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