Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Letter: Why the fuss over the charter to Brazil?

I find it very suspicious that a "source" would "reveal" the Government's decision to charter a Caribbean Airlines jet to attend the Brazil meetings which the Prime Minister discussed and promoted in the past few weeks.

The headline article today was as if to give the impression that there was some wrongdoing by chartering a jet. But I don't see the big deal! 

A number of Government officials are all going to the same destination and are being accompanied by State company Chairmen and directors in order to bring home what is said to be up to $30 billion in investments to Trinidad and Tobago! 

If even half of that figure translates into investment in this country, then what exactly is the problem with spending US$85,000 on flying everyone to Brazil.

When one also considers that non-Government delegates are paying their own way, together with the fact that at 40 delegates, we are looking at US$2125 per person, return to go to Brazil, this really boils down to a non-issue.

We in Trinidad and Tobago have every right to ask questions, but one thing we must not allow to escape us is that at least this Government is accounting for its trips abroad, unlike the previous Government where they had to be hauled to Parliament and forced to reveal actual costs which were astronomical. 

The Prime Minister has already proven that she has gained some level of value from her trips abroad and I for one trust that, like previous trips, the Prime Minister will deliver value for the trip to Brazil as well.

Razia Hassan

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Jai & Sero

Jai & Sero

Our family at home in Toronto 2008

Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai