Friday, April 29, 2011

Jack writes to government supporters: PP government alive and well

The letter below is from the chairman of the United National Congress, Jack Warner, in response to questions from constituents:

"You have asked me the question: “What is the status of the PP Government? To that I must reply that the PP Government is alive and doing well.

"Amid all the misrepresentations and negative publicity which at times are levelled unfairly against this Government, the PP Government remains to date the hardest working government ever for the people of Trinidad and Tobago.

"The rumblings which are evident among our supporters are evidence of our hard work for given the quantum of objectives we have met, to most it seems as though we have been in office for a life time.

"But let me take this opportunity to remind us all that it is not even one year since the PP Government was elected into office.

"I understand the shades of meaning coming out from your email. I really do appreciate your concern for the many supporters whom we claim are disgruntled and who feel cheated.

"But to the many who share these concerns I wish to remind them all of the PP Government’s promise that as a nation we all will rise.

"What we are doing currently is working assiduously to ensure that our promises are kept; that the quality of life for all is improved and that our party, your party, remains the sole option for leadership in this country.

"Let me encourage you to help us in our drive by speaking positively about the PP Government and encouraging those who seem to be losing faith.

"If we will rise it won’t be without a struggle but my dear Shodan let us empower each other to be a part of the solution that will allow us all to taste victory over and over as we continue to build a strong nation for our children."

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Jai & Sero

Jai & Sero

Our family at home in Toronto 2008

Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai