Saturday, April 30, 2011

Jack bats for PM Kamla

Jack Warner said on Friday the sudden "politically motivated outcry against the travels of Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar is coming from "a group of blind loyalists who are bent on securing cheap political mileage to keep their names constantly in the public domain."

The chairman of the United National Congress (UNC) said the folly of their arguments proves that neither they nor their political leader understand what is required to be a national leader in this global age.

He said such travel is necessary in today's world, adding that former Prime Minister Patrick manning "may have understood that". 

He noted that in 2005, Manning made 14 trips. In 2006, he made 13. In 2007, "he left our shores on business 13 times and in 2008 this was increased to 15. In 2009, he left 11 times and due to the collapse of the People’s National Movement, in 2010, he only made two visits."
Warner said Persad-Bissessar's critics must be consistent "because these are the persons who valorised the ex-Prime Minister the Honourable Patrick Manning."
He added, "These critics ought to be more honest because you cannot conveniently choose to condemn the Honourable Kamla Persad Biessessar when the ex-Prime Minister the Honourable Patrick Manning travelled at a more frequent rate than our current Prime Minister.

"The critics must show some integrity because in 2008, though the ex-Prime Minister the Honourable Patrick Manning travelled only 15 times, he visited a whopping 24 countries during these travels; an average of two countries per month.
"What is required is integrity even among our social commentators who must bring the facts to light and provide the type of integrity that will give rise to growth and development in this country."
Warner stated that the leasing of an aircraft is not unique to Persad Biessessar, noting that Manning leased aircraft to travel to Jamaica, 
Venezuela, Panama and Barbados.

"Our Prime Minister leases once and leases from our own airline which has not resulted in capital flight and yet the critics seem to forget the antics of their master."
The Works and Transport Minister had some questions for the critics. 
"What about the income it generated? What about the reduction in expenditure that has come about from not travelling on a commercial jet? What about the time saved?"
He added, "The facts will show that this is nothing more than a distraction on the part of the government’s critics who are clearly both incompetent and unable to offer any kind of analysis that can be trusted to be objective and fair. It also shows a weakness in understanding the current patterns of global behaviour by world leaders."
Warner noted that the Prime Minister of Curacao is now wrapping up a 46 day world tour. "President Obama whom we pedestalise and valorize visited 17 countries in his first 175 days in office; 13% of his time was spent travelling abroad," he said.
"Mr. Manning for all his faults understood what these critics and the present opposition would never understand and so to those who wish to oppose let me advise that our Honourable Kamla Persad Biessessar is on the right track and no one will derail her drive to take this country where no man has taken it before.
"Leave her alone and together we will rise!" Warner said.

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Jai & Sero

Jai & Sero

Our family at home in Toronto 2008

Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai