Friday, April 29, 2011

Dookeran wants CAL board fired, recommends Conrad Aleong to be new chairman

A report in the Guardian newspaper says Finance Minister Winston Dookeran has told Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar that the board of Caribbean Airlines (CAL) should be dissolved and “reconstituted with persons with knowledge and competence in the field.”

The paper said Dookeran made his views known in a letter to the Prime Minister. It quoted from the letter:

“In summary, my views are as follows: 
  • The board does not have knowledge or competence in the issues pertaining to airline business
  • The board does not have any appreciation for the issues of good corporate governance
“The commercial stakes are high and the cost of political inaction will be high as well.”

He suggested Conrad Aleong be appointed chairman and that Ian Betrand and Michael Dolsingh also serve on the board. Aleong is a former chief executive of BWIA and is currenty one of Dookeran's advisers.

The current board, headed by businessman George Nicholas III, includes Mohan Jaikaran (vice Chairman), Allan Clovis, Gizelle Russell, Avedanand Persad, Susan Smith and Venosh Sageewan Maraj.

The board has had problems since it was appointed last November. It's first public controversy was its decision to fire CEO Captain Ian Brunton. That brought the board in direct conflict with its line minister Jack Warner. However those problems were later resolved.

But the problems did not go away. Warner had to intervene recently after board members complained that they find it difficult to work with the chairman.

Warner already has presented a note to Cabinet advising that the board be dissolved. That has been referred to cabinet's Finance and General Purposes Committee, which is yet to report to the Prime Minister.

The Guardian said it has seen Dookeran's letter with a handwritten comment from the Prime Minister dated April 15 asking: "Mr Dookeran, do these views represent those of the committee?”

The Guardian also revealed Dookeran's recommendations for a new CAL board, stating that the minister advised the Prime Minister that the persons named "may have an interest in serving on the board".

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Jai & Sero

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Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai