Monday, April 25, 2011

Dookeran extends condolence on the passing of Sai Baba and Carib Queen

The leader of the Congress of the People (COP) on Sunday sent condolences on the passing of two prominent leaders, one national, the other international.

In a media release Winston Dookeran extended his party's deepest sympathy to the leadership of the Sai Baba Movement in Trinidad and Tobago on the passing of Shri Satya Sai Baba on Sunday in India.

"Sai Baba never set foot in our beloved Trinidad and Tobago, but through his discourses, writings, books and the untold amount of commentaries, his majestic footprints are well embedded in Trinidad and Tobago," Dookeran said

"Sai Baba's work in the spiritual, social, health care, wellness and humanitarian fields are well documented, and worthy of emulation. 

"Through his many local disciples, the late Lal Paladie and others ,his organization has made a forceful impact in our nation," Dookeran added. 

The finance minister also paid tribute to the Indian spiritual leader, noting that his message of "peace, concord, truthfulness, integrity, spirituality and benevolence, might well remain unmatched for generations to come."
Dookeran said, "Sai Baba's message is much-needed in today's political, social and moral environment. Indeed, his life was his message as he strived to set new standards which we politicians should emulate. He was a deeply spiritual person."

The COP also extended its deepest condolences to the Sai Baba Movement in Trinidad and Tobago, in India, and the world over.

 Dookeran alson extended condolence on behalf of his party on the passing of Carib Queen, Valentina Medina, who died Saturday. He said her death is "a great loss to the members of the Carib Community, and the wider citizenry of our beloved country Trinidad and Tobago."

Dookeran added, Queen Medina, queen for the past 11 years, represented the purity and soul of our First People. 

"She worked assiduously to promote the philosophy and history of the great Carib community. Even though she was soft spoken she always made her passionate views heard. 

"She epitomized the concept of religious and cultural diversity in Trinidad and Tobago, a feature for which she was well known.

"The Congress of the People fondly remembers her majestic presence at the First People function hosted by the Party in 2007 at the Legacy Hall in Arima , as part of our RICH HERITAGE, COMMON FUTURE SERIES. 

"On that occasion she left an indelible mark on the citizenry of our society,for the courage and words in support of a culturally rich Trinidad and Tobago .

"Our nation is poorer with her passing, as she remains the embodiment of the spirit of the Carib community. Our Government must work with the new Carib leadership and honour her as a national testament for future generations to come," Dookeran said.

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Jai & Sero

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Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai