Friday, March 18, 2011

South West Regional Health Authority fires CEO

The South West Regional Health Authority (SWRHA) on Thursday fired its Chief executive Officer Paula Chester-Cumberbatch.

The board, headed by Dr. Lakram Bodoe, took action in connection with a three-day delay in issuing suspension letters to five doctors and four nurses attached to the San Fernando General Hospital.

"At this point in time, the board has taken the decision to terminate the service of the Chief Executive Officer Mrs. Paula Chester Cumberbatch with immediate effect," Bodoe told reporters at a news conference.

"As a board, we looked at our vision and we've looked at the strategic direction in which we want to proceed. We found that certain adjustments needed to be made and this is keeping with the new strategic direction of the board," he explained.

Dr. Bodoe maintained that the decision to suspend the medical staff in question was an administrative measure and is aimed at facilitating a free and fair investigation into the death of Chrystal Ramsoomair.

The medical personnel have been suspended with pay for two weeks to allow the investigation into the death of Ramsoomair, who bled to death following a cesarean section at the hospital.

Chester-Cumberbatch has held the post of CEO since November 2009. 

She told reporters the action taken by the board is not justified, claiming that there was a delay in serving the suspension notices because of factual errors that had to be corrected.

She said she was just following proper procedure. "How could it be when I am looking to make sure that a process is done right? So I am being fired for what? Good corporate governance? Well, so be it," she told state television CNMG.

"This is about an investigation, not about me. It is not about who get a letter. It is about an investigation to determine if there are grounds for misconduct," she said.

She has won the support of Dr Anand Chattergoon, Medical Director at San Fernando General Hospital.

"I cannot conceive of any reason, any legitimate reason for the CEO to be dismissed. We are all further, further demoralised. Many doctors have already come into my office this morning (Thursday), I myself feel very tearful about this whole thing," Chattergoon said.

The hospital has temporarily shut down its Obstetrics and Gynaecology Department in reaction to the suspension of the nine health care professionals.

Read related story: 5 doctors suspended at San F'do General Hospital; elective surgeries in O&G stopped
Read editorial: Time for doctors and police to act responsibly

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