Sunday, March 6, 2011

PM Kamla urges caution during Carnival festivities, says measures in place to safeguard all.

PM Kamla Persad-Bissessar during a tour of a mas camp
Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar assured citizens and visitors Friday that the government of Trinidad and Tobago has taken appropriate measures to safeguard everyone during the Carnival festivities.

However, she has urged everyone to "take responsibility for your own life even as you act as your brother’s and sister’s keeper."

In a message to mark the event, Persad-Bissessar urged citizens and visitors to obey country's laws, show respect for law enforcement agents and practice vigilance at all times.

"I urge all citizens and indeed, all visitors, to ensure that you do your part to ensure you and your near and dear ones are safe," she said. She made a special appeal to make "an extra special effort to take care of OUR children and ensure that they are protected from harm".

She added, "Let us take every precaution to prevent the Carnival Season from being marred by the death or harming of our children, and indeed, the death or harming of any citizen or visitor in this land.

"Please remember that Carnival is not an excuse for recklessness, promiscuity or disregard for the Law.

"I urge you to let maturity, discipline and good sense temper your celebrations. Let us work together to make Carnival 2011 the greatest, safest show ever produced on our shores and enjoyed by the World," she said.

Persad-Bissessar said while it is a time to "jump up, dance and enjoy your Carnival" it is also a time to "exercise tolerance, decency and moderation."

She added, "Let us truly show the world why Trinidad and Tobago Carnival is indeed the greatest show on the world stage. Let us all unite once more to make our country proud."

She extended "a warm welcome" to all returning nationals and visitors who have come to experience the spirit of freedom and appealed to all citizens to exercise due caution, safety and responsibility during the Carnival season.

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Jai & Sero

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Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai