Tuesday, March 22, 2011

PM appoints three-member ministerial team to report on SWRHA industrial issue

Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar announced on Monday that she is setting up a three-member ministerial team to look into the industrial relations matter at the San Fernando General Hospital.

Speaking at Piarco International Airport shortly after her return from a successful one-week visit to the United Kingdom, she said the members of the the team will be Education Minister Dr Tim Gopeesingh, Justice Minister Prakash Ramadhar and Labour Minister Errol Mc Leod. She said the team will have two weeks to submit a report to cabinet.

Persad-Bissessar explained to reporters that there are two separate issues involved in the matter that has developed at the hospital following the death of Chrystal Ramsoomair following a cesarean section on March 4. 

She said one of that of the rights of patients to the best health care and the other an industrial relations matter.

The South West Regional health Authority, which administers the hospital, has suspended five doctors and four nurses who were involved in the treatment of Ramsoomair. They have been sent home for two weeks with pay to allow a transparent investigation into the Ramsoomair case.

In addition the SWRHA fired its CEO, Paula Chester-Cumberbatch, who had failed to immediately issue the suspension letters last Monday. It has also decided that it won't renew the contract of acting Hospital medical Director, Dr Anand Chattergoon, which expires at the end of March.

Chester-Cumberbatch has said she was victimised for following proper procedure and has threatened to sue the authority for breach of contract. And The Medical Professionals Association of T&T (MPATT) has said the suspensions of the medical staff are unjustified.

Speaking about the matter, Persad-Bissessar said she was deeply concerned about the rights of patients and she supports an investigation. However she was emphatic that the two issues that should not be lumped together.

Asked whether she supported the controversial decision to suspend the doctors and nurses, she said she has not been fully briefed on the matter but so far from what she has learned about it it seems that the Minister of health acted properly.

She also dismissed a suggestion from a reporter that the recent developments in San Fernando have caused citizens to lose confidence in the health care system. She said she is not aware that is so.

Persad-Bissessar also disagreed with a suggestion that a lack of resources at the hospital may have contributed to the problem. She said patient care must take priority.

In this context she reiterate that she has asked for an independent review of policies and procedures that govern maternity health care in Trinidad and Tobago.

She originally announced that review on March 11 when she spoke at the opening of the Eye Operating Theatre and the newly refurbished Eye/ENT ward at the San Fernando General Hospital.

She said the chairman of the South West Regional Health Authority, Dr. Lakram Bodoe, will chair the committee, which will submit a report to the Minister of Health within three months.

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