Thursday, March 31, 2011

Baptist school to be named after Archbishop Barbara Burke: PM Kamla

Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar told the Baptist community on Wednesday that the school she promised to build will be named after Archbishop Barbara Burke.

"I am proud to announce today, on this 15th anniversary of the Spiritual Shouter Baptist faith, that the St Barbara's Shouter Baptist Primary School will be built here; your decade of wait and disappointment is over," Persad-Bissessar announced.

The news was greeted with the loud sounds of bells and shouting in acknowledgement.

The Prime Minister announced last Friday that show would keep a pledge she made a year ago and build a school for the Baptists.

When she addressed the community at Maloney on Wednesday she promised that when they gather next year for the 16th anniversary of the national Baptists holiday the school will be ready.

The Prime Minister also thanked her former leader, Basdeo Panday, who gave gave the national holiday when he was the leader of government and also provided the 25 acres of land at Maloney to build the school and their place of worship.

She also praised Archbishop Burke, who served as a government Senator under the Panday administration. She said Burke has a history of struggle and lobbied for recognition of the Spiritual Baptist faith and for a school to be constructed.

The Prime MInister said Education Minister Dr Tim Gopeesingh and Minister in the Ministry of Education Clifton De Coteau will hold discussions with a team from the Spiritual Baptist faith to analyse their designs and scope of works for their school.

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Jai & Sero

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Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai