Sunday, February 20, 2011

Poll shows 72 per cent support for hangings

A poll conducted for the Guardian newspaper suggests that 72 per cent of citizens are in favour of hanging convicted killers.

The survey was conducted by the ANSA McAL Psychological Research Centre at the University of the West Indies, St Augustine. It said 19 per cent of respondents said no, while nine per cent said they don’t know.

The poll was conducted between February 3 and 6, 2011. The sample size was 509 comprising a mix of the national population. Seventy-six per cent of males supported hangings; 68 per cent of women thought it was a good idea.

While 72 per cent supported hanging, the poll suggests that a lower figure - 68 per cent - believe the punishment would help reduce crime in in the country..

Here is the breakdown:
Question: Do you support the resumption of hangings in Trinidad and Tobago?
  • Yes—72%
  • No—19%
  • Don’t know—9%
Some of the responses from people supporting hangings:
  • It will serve as a deterrent
  • It will bring justice to some families
  • It is the only solution to the crime problem
  • Criminals would think twice
Those opposed:
  • It’s an unethical practice
  • As a civilised society, there are other alternatives
  • It is against certain religions to take a life
  • Innocent people may lose their life
  • Everyone should be given a second chance, even a murderer
Those who feel hangings will reduce crime:
  • It would set an example
  • There are too many murders in this country
  • It would send a message to the criminals
  • Criminals must be punished for taking lives
  • It is the law of the land
Those who oppose hanging:
  • Two wrongs do not make a right
  • Criminals don’t really care about anyone or anything
  • In the long run it would not work
  • Criminals do not fear the laws of the land in this country
The poll also suggests that 51 per cent of respondents feel the People's Partnership government is not handling the crime problem well. 

The poll also asked this question: How do you rate the Government’s handling of the crime situation? Here's the response:
  • Excellent-2%
  • Good-12%
  • Fair-32%
  • Poor-33%
  • Extremely Poor-21%

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Jai & Sero

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Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai