Saturday, February 19, 2011

Letter: Warner on target with sudden demands on PP government and PM Kamla

Jack Warner’s comments with regards to the Prime Minister’s ethnic background as well as the many obstacles and pressures being placed on her have been met with the usual "Warner bashing" by the usual detractors, but even more so by those whose have found that these comments have fallen in their "backyards".

Minister Warner articulates the gimme-gimme attitude of citizens, which have become more pronounced since May 24, 2010.

It is even more pathetic that the very organizations/individuals who have joined this bandwagon were very content living the last eight years under the Manning/ PNM’s nepotism, mismanagement and corruption, violent crime and all the “concessionary deals” made with the criminal gang leaders. 

Why weren’t there demands then for huge pay increases, for delivery of basic social services, for law and order? 

Instead, they either supported the status quo or kept quiet when they (as taxpayers) had to fork out over a billion dollars to host two summits so that Manning could satisfy his own ego. They stayed quiet when UdeCOTT was literally using the treasury as its own cheque-book

I do differ with Minister Warner when he says that those with the gimme-gimme syndrome “tend to forget so quickly that for eight years….” 

Have they really forgotten, or rather have they become pawns of those political anarchists whose agendas are to plot and attempt to destabilize the Government? 

I cannot believe that they have so quickly forgotten the issues facing Trinidad & Tobago in 2010.

Instead, these gimme-gimme citizens are quite content to join with the PNM and certain segments of the media who have suddenly become so sanctimonious and righteous… it is pathetic to see and hear them now!

Yes, Minister Warner, in the context of national policy and decision making processes, the last nine months have shown that this Prime Minister and her Government will and can deliver, in spite of difficult times, obstacles and hard times ahead.

Capil Bissoon | Bram pton, Ontario - Canada

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Jai & Sero

Jai & Sero

Our family at home in Toronto 2008

Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai