Tuesday, February 15, 2011

International - Guest column by John Archer - "So where's next?"

Is anyone still naïve enough to think that the Egyptian military or America would have allowed street rabble or the Muslim Brotherhood to take over in Egypt through either “revolution” now, or “elections” in September this year (rigged or otherwise) - or, for that matter, at anytime in the foreseeable future?

Anyway you look at it, a radical change in the status quo to the political or religious “left” in Egypt would ultimately mean a rapid escalation in transit rates for use of their Suez Canal or its complete closure by a radical government - a literal cutting of Western Europe’s Jugular Vein for most of its external trade.

Either way, the core of Western Capitalism would be suffocated to a large extent. It would be far more adversely consequential for the West, in toto, than the closure of the Panama Canal.

Look at what they did to Panama’s president Noriega not that long ago. He was set up as a rank US Mafioso drug tool and under direct White House control for simply threatening to step out of line with the “The People’s Canal” and the control of the Canal Zone Authority.

To rephrase - will Obama, the U.S. government, the CIA or the European Union and its multitude of agencies, in unison, permit a Suez Canal “hijacking”, military or otherwise?

No problem! The US military has the 20 ruling Egyptian Generals in its back pocket. No matter the well-publicized diversionary army privates in the tanks appearing to be befriending the masses in the square - “All ah we is one” … ent !!

Egypt’s military, including its army, navy and air force, is bigger and better equipped than any other in any part of Africa or the entire Arab World (including those of Iran and Saudi Arabia) ranking tenth globally … directly thanks to Uncle Sam.

Believe you me the US military (read Obama) would have to be consulted to give the final firing orders in “getting tough” with the Egyptian people - using American arms and ammunition.

Chatter has it that Egypt has Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMDs - nuclear and otherwise) supplied by the U.S. like it has to Israel. Can’t let the Muslim Brotherhood get their hands on all that booty, can they?

They couldn’t open fire on the protesters in “The Square” because “The whole world was watching” and, thanks to the BBC, CNN et al, even peasants in Malawi, Montserrat or Mongolia now know the US has been, and continues to be, financing and arming the Egyptian military, as well as the oppressive police force.

Obama couldn’t afford to be seen with too much Egyptian blood on US hands - directly or indirectly. it would be heavily tainted with “American Blue” wouldn’t it?

Once underway, the entire operation in Egypt over the past couple of weeks was stage managed from Washington - even Obama’s overt pretentiousness in appearing to be getting tough with Mubarak and encouraging the demonstrators with warmed over platitudes.

And Western Media were controlling the majority of worldwide TV and radio broadcasts - even the footage for the Arabic Al Jazeera television network.

The decision that Mubarak had to go was known by all including the man himself. But it had to be orderly - and well controlled, minimizing the worsening local chaos.

They knew full well, from early in the game, what the outcome with the Generals would be.

They even wrote Mubarak’s titillating “continuation speech” the day before his resignation, which was deliberately designed to further exacerbate the mood of the crowd into marching to predetermined sites, like the presidential palace and television headquarters, prior to the climactic step down the following day to be greeted as planned with a mass sigh of relief and adoring mutual love with the petty minions in the army tanks and surrounding the Square.

What a grand PR job - with adorable kids being cuddled by troops on tanks and all. And Mubarak and his immediate family gleefully thinking of their $70 odd billion stashed away in Switzerland, America and UK … a massive fortune siphoned off from the billions annually given by America to the parasitic tyrants.

Wait till the Generals in Egypt get going … they have already banned all trade union or professional association meetings until so called “elections” in September. What about organizing and campaigning? How will that be accomplished?

Just watch and wait now - and place a bet if you gamble. A year or two years from now the Egyptian Generals will still be in power with or without a planted puppet oppressive government, worse than that of Mubarak, having been appointed in a stage-managed fashion to keep the peace - all for the ultimate sake of The West and its cheap and unhindered use of the Suez Canal.

Perhaps the most unsettling development is the bearing that the outcome of Egypt’s situation is having on North African and Middle Eastern demagogues in getting tough with their own protesters.

To save their own skins, so they don’t end up like Mubarak, they are nipping it in the bud and clamping down immediately now in dealing with restless stirrings amongst their own exploited and downtrodden hungry masses.

Similar to that of Egypt, they are basically oppressive oligarchic government tools serving the West for petroleum access or strategic third world political leverage - mainly Syria, Jordan, Yemen, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Algeria and Bahrain.

High birthrates, growing unemployment, increased youth awareness and restlessness, food price escalation with no chance of reversals and tyrannical regimes to shut up and lock down everyone and everything stepping out of line.

The sad truth is that with global warming, abnormal climatic catastrophes and resulting agricultural fall off, things will continue to get worse - especially in the third world and some parts of Europe.

More and more people will be going hungry and taking to the streets - globally now. So what and where’s next? Ask a Bilderberger!

John S Archer

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Jai & Sero

Jai & Sero

Our family at home in Toronto 2008

Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai