Saturday, January 15, 2011

Piano found in Diplomatic Centre; Ramlogan blasts Manning for misuse of state funds

The grand piano has been found!

That's the word from Gary Griffith, National Security adviser to the Prime Minister. The Trinidad Express said in its Saturday edition that Griffith confirmed that the piano, which was reported missing Wednesday, was found at the Diplomatic Centre in St Ann's.

"It was covered with layers of cloth and appears to have never been used," Griffith told the paper.

On Wednesday, Attorney General Anand Ramlogan, told Parliament one of the 10 pianos bought by the University of Trinidad and Tobago (UTT) was missing. He said it was the one that was delivered to the Diplomatic Centre.

"I have asked Prime Minister Persad-Bissessar to search those premises to locate this grand piano...I want to ask the member for San Fernando East, Sir, if you know where that piano is in the Diplomatic Centre and your former residence, can you please assist us?" Ramlogan said.

The next day, the former Prime Minister obliged. Patrick Manning called a news conference and stated exactly where he had left the expensive Bosendorfer piano - on the eastern side of the stage at the Diplomatic Centre.

In a media release Friday, Ramlogan thanked Manning for the information. However, he condemned Manning for the misuse and abuse of public funds. The UTT paid US$850,677 for the 10 pianos.

"The University of Trinidad and Tobago is meant to provide tertiary education for our young adults and it is therefore strange that such funds were secretly diverted to purchase ten grand pianos. This is in violation of the established practice and procedures that govern and regulates the expenditure of public funds," Ramlogan said.

He said Manning should have followed correct procedure and purchased the piano from the budget of the Ministry of Arts and Culture or the office of the Prime Minister.

"The fact that ten pianos were purchased without any form of public disclosure must be condemned. It strikes at the heart of our democracy, transparent government and the established regulation of public expenditure," Ramlogan said.

"Prime Minister Persad-Bissessar could hardly be criticised for her failure to locate something that she did not even know existed in the first place. The real issue at hand is why Mr Manning acquired these pianos using UTT's funds as opposed to funds from a government ministry."

Ramlogan also took issue with Manning's statement that Ramlogan may have have mistaken the for a harmonium. 

"Mr Manning's contempt for the harmonium is consistent with the contempt and arrogance he displayed towards the Indo-Trinidadian community during his tenure," Ramlogan stated.

In Parliament on Friday opposition MP Colm Imbert asked Government House leader Dr Roodal Moonilal whether the piano was found in the same place it was left.

Moonilal said that was not relevant. "The issue is expenditure policy and priority, that is the issue...the issue is why this country has to spend $5 million plus to buy pianos when people can't get bed in the hospital, why people crying for a box drain."

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Jai & Sero

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Our family at home in Toronto 2008
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