Sunday, January 16, 2011

Feature: The PP government has been working; the evidence is there to see

We live in a society that revels in rumour. And truth and facts easily become the principal casualties in the national chatter.

Take for example the People’s Partnership government. If you pay attention to some media or listen to the 'rum shop' talk you might get the impression that after eight months in office the government led by Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar has not done much. I have even heard people say they haven’t done anything.

Ask those who say that to explain and you would soon find out that what they are saying is that THEY didn’t get from the government what THEY wanted.

Well the government has recently compiled a working document which serves as a reality check on what it has been doing.

For those who continue to believe the propaganda that the PP government is not working, I urge you to read the list of what the Kamla government has achieved. One of the people-oriented development mega projects is the billion-dollar San Fernando to Point Fortin highway. The Prime Minister will turn the sod for this project on January 26.

Here are some significant achievements:
  • Increased the minimum wage from $9.00 to $12.50
  • Established the Children’s Life Fund
  • Passed the Interception of Communication Bill
  • Provided Laptops for form one students
  • Established a Ministry of the People
  • Increased old age pension; 52,790 senior citizens are benefiting from the $3,000 per month
  • Increased State grants
  • Distributed lands to 610 former Caroni workers promised by the PNM in August 2003
  • Compensated farmers for flood- related damages in record time
  • Appointed a Police Commissioner
  • Re-positioned and re-branded Trinidad and Tobago to the international community through participation in various United Nations and Commonwealth fora
  • Commenced work on the 29km Navet trunk main promised by the PNM since 2005
  • Initiated payment of a non-taxable Special Allowance of $1000 to all serving officers of the Police Service
  • Ban on the use of cell phones while driving - effective February 19 2011
Most of the projects were part of the People’s Partnership election manifesto that has become government policy.

With respect to the laptops for schools, for example, this is consistent with the promise to enable human development. The Manifesto promised: “IT based learning will be infused in education at primary and secondary levels to support and complement other forms of teaching, learning and basic research.”

With respect to education, the government has kept its election pledge to expand and improve the GATE program. Official figure show that for the period May to November, 2010 the number of applications was 35,327 and the amount disbursed was $214 million. 

The government has not only kept GATE it has plans to expand it into select areas, namely within the Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET). In addition it has continued the Higher Education Loan Programme (HELP), having distributed loans of $32.4 million since taking office.
The Ministry of the People is a project linked to the social justice program promised during the election. This is a project that has won praise by the United Nations.

Housing is another area where the PP government has been accelerating development. Its target is the start construction of 6,500 housing units in 2010-2011. The housing policy focuses on the differently abled, low and middle income groups and affordable housing.

One of the achievements in the eight months since taking office was the approval of 84 long standing applicants, some of whom had waited for 14 or more years after satisfying the eligibility criteria for social housing.

The passage of the legislation for the Children's Life Fund ensures that no child who is a citizen of Trinidad and Tobago will die for lack of financial resources. From June to December 2010, (15) children benefited from the Children’s Life Fund totalling $3.5 million.

When the Manning government closed the state sugar company Caroni (1975) limited he guaranteed that displaced workers would get agricultural plots, a promise that was never kept. So far the PP government has handed out leases of two-acre plots of land to 610 former sugar workers.

The People’s Ministry has also increased state grants for a variety of purposes including the purchase of:
  • building materials to build or repair homes
  • household furniture and appliances
  • specialized medical equipment
  • domestic help
  • funeral
  • pharmaceuticals
  • rent
  • school supplies
  • education grant
  • housing assistance
  • assistance for WASA and T&TEC bills.
The government has also allocated $10 million to establish a National Centre for Persons with Disabilities.

The PP government has also maintained its commitment to promote good governance, openness and transparency by moving swiftly to hold the local government elections that the Manning administration that postponed four times.

In addition it has commenced a forensic audit of Petrotrin’s Gasoline Optimization Program (GOP) and Gas to Liquids (GTL) projects. Both projects were initiated under the former PNM regime and have resulted in tremendous cost over-runs, slippage in schedule and litigation being brought against Petrotrin.

It has also commenced a forensic audit of the University of Trinidad and Tobago, established Commissions of Inquiry into the 1990 Attempted Coup and into Clico and the HCU.

The frontal attack on crime has already resulted in a 10 per cent reduction in serious crime.· Other initiatives include a wiretapping bill to regulate under very strict conditions electronic eavesdropping.

There are several security measures before Parliament including the the “Anti-Gang” Bill and the Bail Amendment Bill, the Evidence Amendment Bill and the Firearms Amendment Bill.

With respect to infrastructure, the Ministry of Works and Transport will start construction of the San Fernando to Point Fortin highway on January 26, 2011.

Other projects include:
  • plans for four Licensing Offices throughout the country.
  • the St Helena Bypass Road Project.
  • new traffic scheme for the Endeavour Interchange.
  • opened up the Priority Bus Route to all private registered vehicles
This is by no means an exhaustive list. It is merely a snapshot of some of the things the government has done and continues to do. It is a reality check and provides evidence that despite the propaganda and misinformation the new government of Trinidad and Tobag is AT WORK delivering on its promise to the people.

Data for the above feature provide by the Governtment of Trinidad and Tobago

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Jai & Sero

Jai & Sero

Our family at home in Toronto 2008

Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai