Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Today's quote: PM Kamla committed to media freedom; wants 'Positive Images Media Award'

From a speech by Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar at the launch of the Guardian New Media Group on Tuesday, November 30, 2010.

"Our media has faithfully and diligently exercised its duty to the people of Trinidad and Tobago without fear or favour. It has kept democracy alive in our nation and we owe a huge debt of gratitude to the faithful, fearless media practitioners.

"My government and I have been held up for careful scrutiny by the media on so many issues including the independence of the media.

"But the reality is that the media too has a sacred role in this evolving world of business and mass communications and it is no longer only the duty of a Government to ensure that its privileged freedom is protected.

"The time has come for the media itself to realize that its role is itself sacred and it must now ensure that it truly reflects the philosophical basis on which a media house and its publications—be they newspaper, radio, internet or television-exists.

"Today I challenge all media owners and all members of the profession to identify why do you exist? Only to turn a profit? Or for another purpose? 

"Do you exist on the basis of the philosophical roots that were the founding principles of journalism - a caring about the way things are for the ordinary person, caring about the way the world is, the way the country is, the way the city is. 

"The first newspaper, remember, was founded by men who had a cause, who fervently believed in a just society. It cared about the things that would make this new community a just society - affordable bank interest rates, land for settlers, an honest court system, cheap electricity when it arrived and clean water, trees and parks, good schools and fair treatment for the ordinary man.

"Simply put, the media has a crucial role to play in contributing to what we become as a society...

"In a society plagued by so many issues - domestic violence, youth gangs and crime, child abuse, drugs, the media can play a critical role in helping to address these concerns. And I seek a partnership with you in this regard.

"As a developing country we are in a state of transition. We are a nation in need of ideas, inspiration, fundamental changes, and shifts of consciousness, enlightenment and hope. Never has our transformation been more important and crucial than now. But it will not occur without the help of the media.

"You help to fashion the way people think and behave, you prompt and nudge their thinking, you help to create the society we happen to be. 

"Please embrace the opportunity to better educate and responsibly inform the public cognizant of the urgent needs of our society particularly our young people. Any young impressionable mind can be positively moulded and persuaded to become someone he or she never thought possible before.

"Remember, all of us who professionally use the mass media are the shapers of society. We can vulgarize that society. We can brutalize it. Or we can help lift it onto a higher level.

"I know that there are economic realities and that your role cannot be to simply create a product that seeks to create positive influences in your society but one that is marketable and financially viable yet one can be achieved without compromising the other.

"It could be a positive ten-second sound-byte that when repeated often enough becomes someone’s personal philosophy or outlook, it may be a riveting, moving documentary on drug addiction, it may be a series of well written essays on how someone turned adversity into opportunity; you are the writers and producers, you have the ideas and know the strategies but the power of the media can create major changes in the way our society develops.

"And to encourage this initiative in the media I formally announce today that I wish to work with you in borrowing an idea I have seen applied elsewhere and that is for the establishment of a Positive Images Media Award program. 

"It will seek to encourage the use of positive imagery/material for young people created by youth themselves and journalists or producers. A panel of media networks, youth organizations and an international contributor who specializes in the area will guide and determine the award program.

"As an example, the program which is run in the United Kingdom saw one of the winners being a North London teenager for her moving DVD production based upon her response to seeing her friend stabbed to death. The teenager said she was frustrated by the intense media coverage on violence among young people and decided to do something about it.

"The Ministry of Education will be integral in the development of this program to ensure that it is integrated into the school environment.

"I respectfully seek your assistance in developing the Positive Images Media Award and remain open to ideas and strategies which all media houses and youth organizations may wish to contribute.

"In closing, may I congratulate what will henceforth be known as the Guardian Media in acknowledgment of the broader involvement the Group now has with its radio, television and press components. 

"The name Guardian as I said at the beginning of my address has been a landmark media institution that has outlasted several administrations and even the ravages of a fire in its long illustrious history. Today the brand will no longer just refer to the newspaper but the evolution of this media giant that is so iconic in Trinidad and Tobago.

"Your success is a tribute to all who make up the Guardian. Thank you all for extending this invitation to me and I am honoured to be here sharing in your achievement. 

"God bless you all and may God bless Trinidad and Tobago."

Read the complete speech

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Jai & Sero

Our family at home in Toronto 2008

Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai