Sunday, December 26, 2010

SPORTS: Jack's year-end message to CFU members and executive committee

As we approach the end of yet another year, on behalf of the Secretariat of the CFU and on my own behalf, I take the opportunity to thank you for your support to us over the last 12 months and to wish you all the best for the year that is to come.

Since our inception almost three decades ago, we have undergone many changes; overcome many challenges, none more so than this year, 2010.

2010 brought with it a number of seemingly insurmountable challenges. The year saw our brothers and sisters in Haiti having to bear the full brunt of the wrath of Mother Nature – a terrible earthquake that cost us the lives of many of our colleagues; that saw devastation and destruction too horrible to contemplate; rains; drought; disease.

However, through our spirit of unity, commitment, caring, we in the Caribbean showed the world that we are here for each other; we stand as one. What affects one, affects all; whether positive or negative and we overcome and triumph as one.

The challenges we faced as one did not break us but rather forged previously unattained achievement and produced many unforgettable and cherished moments.

As we reminisce on the accomplishments on and off the field of play, we can count among them, four qualifying tournaments, a Women’s World Cup and the exceptional DCC Caribbean Cup in Martinique, all of which have thrilled players, experts, and fans alike.

It is tempting for us to all look back on trying moments and assume that our progress was inevitable– that Caribbean Football was always destined to move forward; that despite all our hesitations and our fears, our Union prevailed once again because we chose to move forward in unity.

These accomplishments can only be attributed to the diligence, optimism and intelligence of each and every member of our Associations, our sponsors, our friends, our family members and many others who contribute to the vital components of this Union.

We all share a common vision; we all share a dream, but we also all share a spirit of resilience in the face of adversity. We are after all, Caribbean people. We are the same, and I am as much a citizen of Trinidad and Tobago as I am a citizen of any other country in this region. We are a people with one pulse; we remain ever hopeful, struggling but encouraged.

Our spirit is cloaked with a fabric infused with strength dedication and commitment. It is because of this fact I have never been more hopeful about the future of our Union.

As we close another year, despite our hardships I know we have learnt from the challenges of 2010 and as we enter into 2011 with a renewed vigor, I wish each and every member of this regional football family an auspicious and prosperous 2011 and beyond.

Jack Warner | President, Caribbean Football Union

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Jai & Sero

Jai & Sero

Our family at home in Toronto 2008

Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai