Thursday, December 16, 2010

Moonilal rebuts Panday, says UNC alive and meeting needs of the people

Roodal Moonilal who had always been a dedicated supporter of former Prime Minisrer Basdeo Panday now disagrees with his former leader who claims that the United National Congress (UNC) is dead and no longer standing for its founding principles.

Moonilal, who is one of the three UNC deputy leaders, called Panday's statement "mischievous" and added that contrary to what Panday is saying the UNC is very much alive and meeting the needs of the people of this country.

"Mr Panday is a permanent politician, a lifelong politician and he's unable to concentrate on retirement. He may have in his mind ambitions of returning to the leadership of the UNC," Moonilal told the Trinidad Express.

He was emphatic that the dominant member of the People's Partnership Government has been "making waves" and transforming the lives of the poor and helpless since the new government took office on May 24.

He outlined some of the achievements.

"In six months, we have passed the Children's Life Fund Act so that no child would ever die because they can't afford medical treatment. That is a phenomenal achievement in such a short time, so that Mr Panday will not have to sell barbecue tickets to raise money for a child who needs surgery," he said.

He added that the Government withdrew the appeal of the former PNM government on the Caroni land matter; increased benefits for persons on public assistance, pensions; and also increased the amount of funds given to victims of natural disasters.

"In record time we moved in the Parliament to appoint a police commissioner that the former administration could not do in three years, we appointed a Police Service Commission, we brought the stability to the protective services," Moonilal said.

He also spoke of the swift passage of the Interception of Communications Bill legislation and of the certificates of comfort that his ministry has given to 250 squatters in addition to the houses that have been handed to people who have been waiting for 25 to 40 years to get shelter.

Moonilal also dismissed reports that there are problems within the partnersh (COP). He said all members of the partnership are equal are working toward the same goals.

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Jai & Sero

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Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai