Saturday, November 27, 2010

New PTSC board promises improved service

Works and Transport Minister Jack Warner on Friday installed the new board of directors for the Public Transport Service corpoiration, headed by Devant Maharaj. Other members are:
  • Carol Merritt — vice chairman
  • Benedict Armstrong
  • Carol Erica Noel
  • Jeewan Mangroo
  • Ashvani Mahabir
  • Clive Nunez
  • Gordon Ramjattan
In a brief address, the new chairman promised a bette service. “Our priority is to deliver," he said. "We intend to hit the ground running.” The first board meeting is scheduled for Tuesday.

Warner said he expects the new board would take “us from where we are to higher heights,” adding that he is confident the team "will have some new strategies.”

Ted Joseph, deputy general manager of operations at PTSC, spoke about modern innovations to help people who depend on the PTSC service. He said soon members of the public may be able to call from home and find out when the next bus was leaving.

Joseph said the PTSC is also seeking to expand its rural service and the possibility of going more than one place on one ticket.

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Jai & Sero

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Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai