Sunday, November 7, 2010

Glamour magazine names PM Kamla in top 5 list of Women of the Year 2010

The November 8 issue of the US-based Glamour Magazine is honouring Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar and four other female world leaders for their individual achievements on behalf of their respective countries.

The other "Women of the Year 2010" are Prime Minister Jadranka Kosor of Croatia, Prime Minister Iveta Radicová of Slovakia, President Dalia Grybauskaite of Lithuania and Liberian President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf, who in 2005 became the first woman to lead an African nation.

The magazine said it has chosen Persad-Bissessar because of her determination to tackle her country's crime rate, boost pensions, and eradicate poverty—all issues that greatly affect women.

"She is known for her inclusive leadership style and her desire to get more women into office," the magazine said.

Persad Bissessar told the magazine, “As a woman, my style defines my leadership. It’s a gentler, more compassionate approach...I consult, I listen and I compromise where it’s in the best interest of the citizens.”

Read related story: Female Heads of State: The Chosen Ones

The organisers have decided to give Johnson-Sirleaf its most prestigious award.

In making the announcement the organisers said it is in recognition of her determination to inspire girls all over Africa "to go to school…to break the chains that make them marry early…to break the tradition in which they’re left behind when the young boys go to school because they have seen there are ones who can succeed."

The magazine said: "She has stressed education, the inclusion of women in government, and providing women with vocational skills and improving their employment opportunities."

"I am so thrilled to be recognizing these five outstanding leaders," Glamour's editor-in-chief Cindi Leive said. “Each of these women has demonstrated tremendous leadership, and their work is an inspiration to girls and women everywhere.”

She said she has named them “Women of the Year” because they have remained focused on the issues of women’s empowerment.

“Thanks to them, girls now have powerful models at the very top. With these women leaders inspiring the next generation, perhaps the concerns of today—girls’ under-education, maternal mortality, rape as a weapon of war—will, by the fortieth Glamour Women of the Year Awards, have been resolved,” she said.

The Glamour’s Women of the Year award is a premiere annual event that recognizes women from the United States and around the world for their outstanding roles in women empowerment.

Past honorees include Condoleezza Rice, Hillary Clinton, Susan Sarandon, Maya Angelou, Geraldine Ferraro, Jane Goodall, Katie Couric, Carolina Herrera and First Lady Michelle Obama.

In August TIME magazine named Persad-Bissessar among the world's top 10 female leaders. 

Read the story: PM Kamla makes it to TIME magazine

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