Friday, November 5, 2010

Dookeran's Divali message urges citizens to defend what is right

"As we celebrate this auspicious time of Divali, we celebrate the presence of our Hindu brothers and sisters in our beloved nation of Trinidad and Tobago, as indeed all over the world.

"I know that this Holy occasion is dear to our hearts. It has always been seen as a triumph of light over darkness. 

"As we internalize this triumph in our own lives, in our own homes, in our own community and our own nation, we cannot escape the fact that cures must be found for our nation’s ailments.

"Today we are healing our society, healing the divisions of the past, the divisions of race, religion and culture. 

"We are healing the divisions that have been perpetuated on all our people for many years. We are searching for that healing light to also heal other ills. 

"We are searching to heal the excessive spending over the last many years, a spending that has created a great financial burden to us. We are healing a society that we must put back on track, so it will never get out of track again, although there are many who are bent on assuring that we do not get back on track. 

"We are also healing a society in which the disparity between the rich and the poor is growing. Today if we allow this situation to go unattended, we will find a larger disparity between the rich and the poor. Therefore we must heal that division as well.

"It is in that context that I recall what Mahatma Gandhi, perhaps the greatest political leader of the last century, a philosopher who changed the world, said about his life, that in the defence of truth we must not bend. His words of inspiration lead to the freedom of the entire world.

"In our own country of Trinidad and Tobago we must always defend what is right. We must always defend what we believe are the goals of a higher society, a higher level to which we want to our children to inherit. 

"So like Gandhi, the problems that I face as Minister of Finance, in spite of the protestations that come my way, I shall not bend in the pursuit of the national interest of Trinidad and Tobago.

"As we celebrate the 165th Divali in Trinidad and Tobago, let us all as sober men and women continue to build our nation, leaving a legacy for succeeding generations to emulate. 

"Divali’s message, "from darkness to light, truth over untruth, and knowledge to wisdom", can ignite us towards rekindling the core principles of truth, equality, justice, and integrity, in pursuit of this nation building.

"It is my sincere hope that Mother Lakshmi will visit our homes with her divine presence, leaving blessings of healing, peace and prosperity that will linger forever. May she shower her blessings on all of Mother Trinidad and Tobago. 

"Let us pray for all the multicultural elements that make our land so rich, so beautiful. One Nation, One People.

Shubh Divali!

Winston Dookeran, Political Leader, Congress of the People (COP)

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Jai & Sero

Jai & Sero

Our family at home in Toronto 2008

Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai