Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Carnival returns to the Savannah for 2011; PP gov't planning People's Band

“We’re putting Carnival back in the Savannah.” 

That's the word from Multiculturalism Minister Winston "Gypsy" Peters who made an inspection tour of the Savannah facilities Monday with members of the new board of the National Carnival Commission (NCC) headed by Kenny Da Silva who had served in that position before.

Former Prime Minister Patrick Manning moved Carnival out of its traditional location three years ago, which caused an uproar among mas lovers and leaders of big bands. 

When the former PNM administration closed the Grand Stand the plan was to build a new National Carnival Centre. In the interim bands were deprived of the opportunity to parade on stage before the judges.

Related: Grand Stand no more 

During the general election campaign the People's Partnership promised to put the people's mas where it belongs - on the big stage at the Savannah.

Peters told reporters the tour was just "to take a look at what we’re supposed to do to bring Carnival plans to fruition for 2011."

He admitted that the Grand Stand is not the ideal structure and explained that there is a plan to move the Grand Stand further east in line with the North Stand and to establish an active, year-round Carnival “place” in the Savannah for tourism purposes.

The minister also announced plans for a People's Band. It will involve music supplied by the People’s Partnership Government and “anybody could bring their costume and come,” He also said he hopes to see the return of "antique costumes and creativity. 

There are no restrictions on who can be in the people's band or what costumes will be acceptable. "If you are unemployed, make a mas face and come," Peters said.

He said the move back to the Savannah is great news for everyone, especially the band leaders.

Luis Hart, of the band Harts agreed. He told reporters he is “ecstatic” about the return of mas to the Savannah. "It’s what we were begging for. Masqueraders missed the thrill of crossing the stage....They’re putting Carnival back where it’s supposed to be.”

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Jai & Sero

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Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai