Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Maxi operators want to meet minister to discuss PBR operations

Maxi taxi operators don't like a plan to open up the Priority Bus Route (PBR) to the public from January 1, 2011.

Works and Tranport Minister Jack Warner has suggested that such a plan might be put in place following a three month experiment during which private vehicles were allowed on the PBR during off peak hours.

The Route Two maxi taxis would be affected by the proposed plan because they are the principal ones who work on the PBR. The association believes it is a formula for chaos.

The President of the association, Linus Phillips, noted that while members of his association do not "own" the bus route they pay a fee for using the roadway and is insisting that the minister holds consultations with the association before making a final decision on the matter.

He suggested the minister is avoiding any such consultation and has given Warner until Friday to indicate whether he will meet with the maxi operators. He said if Warner doesn't respond "we will have to take a different course of action" but didn't say what that would be.

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Jai & Sero

Jai & Sero

Our family at home in Toronto 2008

Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai