Friday, October 29, 2010

Manning to speak Friday on Bail Bill, plans to "take government to task" on crime

Patrick Manning is on Friday expected to snap out of his self-imposed slumber and speak in the House of Representatives on a bill to amend to the Bail Amendment bill.

The former Prime Minister has not spoken in the present Parliament, choosing to sit quietly just as the representative for San Fernando East.

Both Manning and opposition chief whip Marlene McDonald are listed to speak in response to the bill, which Attorney General Anand Ramlogan will pilot.

There appears to be some confusion about who will speak first for the opposition. A statement from Manning’s San Fernando East constituency confirmed that Manning is “scheduled to make his contribution” to Parliament Friday.

It added that Manning proposes “to take the Government to task for its handling of the crime situation,” adding that Manning “will lead off the Opposition’s response."

However media reports say the PNM has advised the Speaker's office that McDonald would lead off the PNM’s reply on the bill, with Manning speaking third in the opposition lineup in the debate, after McDonald and MP Donna Cox.

The Trinidad Guardian said that was a decision taken by the PNM Parliamentary caucus. Manning has refused to attend caucus meetings since he was dumped as leader of the party following the defeat of the PNM in the May 24 general election.

It is likely to be Wade Mark who will make the decision about who speaks first since the convention is that the person "who catches the Speaker's eye" first is allowed to speak.

The bail bill requires a three-fifth majority to pass. The government has a comfortable majority to get it through the House of Representatives. However it would require additional support in the Senate.

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