Friday, September 24, 2010

T&T dealing with homicides, gun crimes, Rambachan tells disarmament conference

Trinidad and Tobago's Foreign Affairs Minister Dr. Surujrattan Rambachan told a conference in New York Friday any discussion on disarmament must include the illicit trade in small arms.

Dr. Rambachan described the trade in the Caribbean region as “pernicious”, saying it has resulted in social problems and a rise in homicides and gun-related offences.

“The Government of Trinidad and Tobago has established measures to address this grave problem through the provision of more facilities and equipment to our law-enforcement agencies,” the Minister told a conference on international disarmament.

He added the government has organised, together with civil society, workshops aimed at "sensitising our officials on the subject.”

He said the government remains active in the region in the campaign against the trade of small arms and light weapons.

Generally, Rambachan said disarmament is an essential ingredient in fostering peaceful settlement of disputes among States.

He said that it is for that reason that Trinidad and Tobago became party to two international legal instruments that were negotiated at an earlier conference on disarmament.

He said T&T is a party to other treaties adopted at multilateral and regional levels. He stressed that Trinidad and Tobago has “endeavoured to fulfill our obligations, whether they are derived from treaties or relevant United Nations resolutions.”

The minister noted the importance of partnering with the United Nations in implementing the resolutions.

He affirmed: “We will continue to be active participants in this process.”

-Reporting by Ken Ali in New York

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Jai & Sero

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