Sunday, September 19, 2010

Philbert goes to court, claims breach of contract

Retired former acting Police Commissioner James Philbert is taking the Trinidad and Tobago Police Service Commission (PSC) to court for breach contract.

Philbert has hired Dana Seetahal to represent him. The former independent Senator and law professor is on record as saying that the PSC was in breach of Philbert's contract, which was supposed to expire at the end of September.

A NEWSDAY report cites its sources as saying that Philbert has sent a letter asking the PSC to explain why it terminated the contract. The PSC has confirmed that it received the letter, the paper said.
However, it did not offer any explanation.

On August 27, PSC Chairman Nizam Mohammed sent Philbert a letter, terminating his contract on August 30. He later told the media the PSC ended Philbert’s contract to have a smooth transition in the police service.

Philbert said he had hoped to work until his contract expired and hand over his command the new commissioner, Canadian Dwayne Gibbs.

Philbert was first appointed to act as police commissioner in 2008 after then Prime Minister Patrick Manning vetoed the appointment of Stephen Williams as police chief. Philbert's latest three-month extension was approved by the new government.

The PSC appointed Williams, who is now one of three Deputy Commissioners, to head the Trinidad and Tobago Police Service pending the arrival of Gibbs to take up his position.

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Jai & Sero

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Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai