Sunday, September 5, 2010

Moonilal to probe Tobago housing projects

Housing Minister Roodal Moonilal said Saturday the People's Partnership government will launch an investigation into state housing projects in Tobago and the role of the Housing Development Corporation (HDC) in developing housing on the island.

Moonilal told reporters he has learned of at least one completed project in Tobago where none of the houses has been distributed. In addition he said the structures are now in need of repairs.

He said what is even more worrisome is that the HDC was not a part of the project, which was handled by UDeCOTT and the Tobago House of Assembly (THA).

Moonilal said the government is concerned about UDeCOTT's role, "not only in Trinidad but in Tobago because there may be another issue with UDeCOTT's involvement in Tobago that we'll have to look at and these are matters that I intend to clarify with the Chief Secretary and the THA in the coming days".

He added, "We have a matter to investigate now with the housing situation in Tobago because...there is some doubt as to some role of the HDC in Tobago.

"It is my understanding that UDeCOTT was involved in housing in Tobago in collaboration with the THA and we are looking at that now to see what is the responsibility of the HDC.

"I intend to return to Tobago in a few days to look at the housing in particular as it pertains to our role and I intend to approach the THA and Mr London to discuss it."

"We have received complaints that the houses are abandoned and in a state of disrepair like in Trinidad, they have not been occupied and we are still researching to look at how much it is costing, how much it has cost the taxpayers.

"I've also received reports from the Members of Parliament in Tobago that citizens in Tobago have been promised homes in some cases and there were commitments to them to get the homes...

"I'm investigating a particular report now where we have on paper a situation where homes have been allocated to citizens but when you go to the homes, I'm told, they are all empty, unoccupied and in a state of disrepair, it is something we will look at."

Speaking about his priorities Moonlal said he does not plan to set a specific target for the number of units to be built but would instead said focus on ensuring high quality work on the homes that will be built.

"You end up pushing and fast tracking and you end up having shoddy work. You end up with corruption, you end up with waste and you have to repair homes for over $100 million now", he said.

The minister said he anticipates that the government will embark on a construction cycle that could deliver "6,000 units for the next year."

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Jai & Sero

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Our family at home in Toronto 2008
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