Saturday, September 25, 2010

Moonilal appeals for help for small developing states

Housing and Environment Minister Dr. Roodal Moonilal has told a conference in New York small island developing states are vulnerable because of their size and limited human and financial capabilities.

He said they are also vulnerable because of along with their restricted technological and technical resources.
 called for assistance from the international community for the states to enhance human resource and institutional capacity, strengthen civil protection mechanisms, build skills and assist with technology transfer.

He said there is also need for the provision of finance through insurance and diversifying economies.

Expanding on the subject of financial and other assistance Moonilal warned that “Anything less will result in the entire world, and mankind itself, becoming more impoverished as a result of the loss of island systems…”

He said assistance from developed countries “will redound to the benefit of all mankind.”

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Jai & Sero

Jai & Sero

Our family at home in Toronto 2008

Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai