The Prime Minister has already distanced herself from Volney's pronouncements, calling them "unfortunate" and "unnecessary."
Read the story: PM Kamla: Volney's statements "unfortunate", not official gov't position
Arhcie issued a four-page release Sunday condemning Volney for suggesting in Parliament that Archie had a "sweetheart deal" with the Attorney General in the previous administration through which he was able to get an "opulent mansion" in the posh Goodwood Park residential neighbourhood.
In his statement, Archie described Volney's statements as "a scurrilous and defamatory attack on the office of the Chief Justice and the Judiciary as a whole", noting that the comments were made under the cover of parliamentary privilege.
Archie stated that he would not allow the Judiciary and the Chief Justice to be subjected to intimidation "by the scandalous vituperation" of Volney. He pledged to continue to work with all justice sectors to speed up the delivery of justice.Archie said it is the second time since Volney's "overnight retirement as a judge...and his simultaneous entry into local politics," that he has had cause to caution Volney about public statements "which have the effect of bringing the Judiciary into disrepute".
Archie said it is "regrettable" that Wade Mark, the Speaker of the House of the House of Representatives did not seek to restrain Volney during the budget debate.And he questioned whether the Prime Minister would distance herself from Volney's statements.
Mark told the Trinidad Express he will "look into the matters raised by the Honourable Chief Justice and would pronounce on them at a future time. I will look into his concerns and will have more to say at a later time".
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