Ramdath Bissoon, 44, of Clarke Road, Penal was killed when the bridge over the Caroni River collapsed.
However, the former PNM government never revealed the findings of the probe, which was handed to then Prime Minister Patrick Manning within a month of the collapse.
Last week, current Works and Transport Minister Jack Warner said since assuming office he has not been able to locate the report of the probe that Manning ordered.
“If in the next couple weeks we don’t find it, then I will have to ask Mr Imbert to tell me where it is. I haven’t found it yet,” Warner told reporters. He added, "I will get it and when I get it I will make it public. You know I have nothing to hide.”
Now the Trinidad Guardian is reporting that it has obtained a copy of the 25-page report, which shows that the bridges branch of the works ministry was "in dire need of review and overhaul and had to be brought up to international best practices".
The paper quoted from the report: “It appears that technical members of staff who have gathered expertise in bridge engineering whilst in the branch often move on through promotions...They are replaced by new staff who have had little formal training and limited opportunity for knowledge transfer".
It added, “Continuity and expertise are, therefore, left to staff members who may be well-intentioned, but insufficiently trained to undertake high-end responsibility.”
According to the paper, the report noted that "before the assembly or disassembly of any bridge, formal and stringent procedures should be readily available and a site method statement be prepared".
However it said the report stated that there were no safety officers on site at the time the bridge collapsed.
The Guardian said the conclusion of the committee was that while there was no evidence to suggest any deliberate reckless act during the disassembly, there was “inadequate technical appreciation” of those involved.
The paper said with the exception of Bissoon, who died when the bridge collapsed, everyone engaged in the operations was employed by the Ministry of Works and Transport.
Read the report: Review Bailey Bridges
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