Monday, August 16, 2010

Jack urges supporters to "keep the faith"

The Chairman of the United National Congress (UNC) has stated publicly that the People’s Partnership Government has not done enough for its foot soldiers.

Speaking at a function in his Chaguanas West constituency hosted by councillor Falisha Isahak, the works minister said many dedicated grass roots workers and supporters are unhappy and their patience is
“wearing thin.”

He said many party activists who work hard on the ground for the general and local government elections have not even received a job with the Unemployment Relief Programme (URP), and are not benefiting from the “fruits” of their party getting into government.

Warner noted that the "others" are still in control of the URP and are “laughing at us.”

However the MP urged supporters to have a little more patience since Labour Minister Errol McLeod has promised to restart the URP with a number of changes, which will be better for the people.

Warner spoke about other party loyalists and supporters as well who are concerned about their future, since the People’s Partnership Government is taking too long to appoint people to state boards and to various diplomatic commissions abroad.

But he urged them to “keep the faith”, promising that the majority of these issues would be resolved by month’s end.

Warner said what he is concerned that a number of people who were nowhere to be seen during the election campaigns are now “crawling out of the closets,” demanding positions on state boards.

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Jai & Sero

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Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai