Tuesday, August 17, 2010

BIG SALE: Bakr's properties on auction block Tuesday

Heavy security is in place in Port of Spain for Tuesday's auction of 11 properties owned by Jamaat al Muslimeen Leader Yasin Abu Bakr.

The sale is to repay debts owing to state by Bakr arising out of the destruction of public property during the failed coup that Bakr led in 1990. The amount owing is more than $32 million.

A judge ordered the sale last year but the Manning government had failed to act on the order.

Bakr has always claimed that he does not owe the state anything since he had a deal with former Prime Minister Patrick Manning to wipe out the debt in return for political favours. Manning has denied that.

The State does not expect to recover the full cost from the sale and there are suggestions that people may be reluctant to buy the properties.

Attorney General Anand Ramlogan is on record as saying if the properties are not sold the state would then occupy them.

Bakr said last year if the state sells his properties he and his family would live in Woodford Square.

There was also a report earlier this year of a death threat against Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar from a person who claimed to have connections to Bakr.

Read the story:
Kamla death threat as AG plans to put Bakr's properties on sale

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Jai & Sero

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