Sunday, August 1, 2010

Let's cherish our freedom: Emancipation Day message from Jack Warner

In 1961 Nelson Mandela, who is the epitome of human rights struggles, wrote, "No power on earth can stop an oppressed people determined to win their freedom."

In the late 18th Century an oppressed people found that determination; a determination to be free and to literally escape the shackles of slavery.

It was that determination that led to the Abolition of Slavery Act in 1834 and the consequent emancipation of our African forefathers who were brought to our shores in chains.

Today as we commemorate the emancipation of our forefathers, we must therefore contemplate on that determination. Determination is what set us free and it is determination that would take us as a nation to true and meaningful development.

Emancipation Day is our day to celebrate, as it honours the end of the most atrocious act in the history of mankind, when millions of people of African origin were brought as slaves to the 'New World'.

But in our celebration we must strengthen our resolve to reject any and all forms of discrimination and marginalization. Our country must rededicate its efforts to the promotion of natural justice, rule of law and equality of all.

On this day we must reflect on the contribution made by our African forefathers and even our East Indian parents who had to suffer a similar humiliation by colonial masters.

After almost two centuries of our freedom, we must reflect on the tears of their past torture and mince them into a smile for our future.

Emancipation 2010 comes at a time when our nation has just undergone two elections that would have taxed upon the time and resources of our people. The results of both elections appear to reflect a determination for another freedom; a freedom from maladministration and incompetent governance.

The political flags have been dropped. Today we fly the flags for our African brothers and sisters and indeed all of Trinidad & Tobago.

We celebrate the day that created the pathway for our present success; a day that reinvigorates our passion to unite as a nation and to "live the dream" so well advocated by Martin Luther King.

Let us remember our struggles and cherish the freedom.

On behalf of the United National Congress, my Constituency of Chaguanas West and on my own personal behalf, I extend warmest Emancipation Day greetings to all.

Best regards.

Jack Warner | Chairman, UNC

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Jai & Sero

Jai & Sero

Our family at home in Toronto 2008

Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai