Thursday, July 1, 2010

AG has no power to stem lawlessness at Arima church

Attorney General Anand Ramlogan said Wednesday he has no standing to intervene to prevent looting or lawlessness at the incomplete church at the Heights of Guanapo.

In a media release following the collapse of a section of the building and the subsequent looting, Ramlogan said, "The subject premises are private property and the State cannot trespass on same."

The statement added: "Ordinarily, the owner should make a report to the police about theft to obtain police protection."

However Ramlogan expressed "alarm" about the lawlessness over which he has no control. He made it clear that as Attorney General he exercises no control over police and "could neither instruct nor direct them."

He described as "deafening" the silence of the owner of the property and the Commissioner of Police, noting that the owner of the facility “remains a mystery.”

Ramlogan said he is disappointed that neither the Police Commissioner nor the Integrity Commission have intervened, insisting that the Integrity Commission is "specifically empowered in law to seek the assistance of the Police Service."

One person commenting on the matter in the Trinidad Guardian said:

"The purpose of a Government is to govern for the peace, good order and security of the State, not blame others and wash its hands of responsibility in the face of blatant law breaking."

Another wrote:

"The failure to act by the police is more the reason why we need a foreign CoP. Ms Persad-Bissessar should not change the law so that only locals can become CoP. The majority of the police supports the PNM and are playing politics with this issue.

"All the idiots that are blaming the AG, can you tell me of any incident where the AG arrested anyone for breaking the law by stealing?"

For more on the story visit the Guardian

1 comment:

Ronald Bhola said...

The comments by the Honourable Attorney General are the comments of an incompetent officer-holder.

Jai & Sero

Jai & Sero

Our family at home in Toronto 2008

Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai