Among guests were A.N.R. Robinson, who was Prime Minister at the time. Robinson and other legislators were taken hostage in the Parliament by armed insurrectionists while another group took control the state-owned television station and the neighbouring Radio Trinidad.
In the days of terror that followed, properties in Port of Spain were destroyed and more than two dozen people lost their lives, including MP Leo Des Vignes.
Read more: From the archives: The 1990 Muslimeen coup
Last week Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar announced that an inquiry would be launched into the events of that fateful day.
On Tuesday morning, Speaker of the House of Representatives Wade Mark remembered what he called "a heinous assault on our Parliament perpetrated by a band of insurrectionists".
In a speech to dignitaries gathered for the memorial, Mark said, "This was the day when our fledgling Republic lost its innocence. Since then our beloved country has never been the same."
He added, "The events of those five days in 1990, left an indelible mark on the psyche of our nation. Our city and our business community was devastated, looted and almost burnt to the ground leaving a scene more akin to war-torn Beirut.
"Today our city has risen from the ashes of 1990 and many are still struggling to recover from losses inflicted on them by those who sought to overthrow our democratic way of life.
He said the planned inquiry will bring closure "to this unsavory and dark chapter in the history of our young democracy".
He added, "This Cenotaph and this Eternal Flame must ALWAYS serve as a reminder that “the PRICE OF FREEDOM IS ETERNAL VIGILANCE”, he said. "Never again must we allow our country to fall prey to such violent and unprovoked attacks...I invite you all to pay tribute to all the heroes of 1990:
- To those who lost their lives
- To those members of the armed forces who put down the insurrection
- To former Prime Minister A.N.R. Robinson who valiantly stood his ground and demonstrated the courage of his conviction by uttering the now famous call to arms “ATTACK WITH FULL FORCE”,
- and last but not least to all those who, under the most adverse of conditions worked assiduously to restore our Parliament and to begin to re-build our country.
Reflections on the 1990 uprising - the Peter O'Connor column
Commentary: Is it useful to probe the failed T&T coup after 20 years?
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