Saturday, June 5, 2010

Rowley targets Warner over dual role as minister and FIFA VP

Dr Keith Rowley took the oath of office Friday to become the next leader of the opposition in Trinidad and Tobago with the blessings of his Parliamentary caucus.

But former Prime Minister Patrick Manning and
Arouca/Maloney MP Alicia Hospedales did not attend the ceremony.

And in his first official declaration Rowley took aim at Works and Transport Minister Jack Warner, who is also Vice President of FIFA, stating that he will write to Integrity Commission to raise his concern about conflict of interest in Warner's dual role.

"One of the first things I would do is to write a letter to the Integrity Commission for an opinion as to whether in fact it is proper for a Minister of Government to hold office in any organisation, especially fee-paying office, outside of the Cabinet.

"And I speak specifically about the appointment of the Minister of Works. I have no doubt that Mr Warner is a very capable and hard working gentleman, who has good vision and he is an asset to us in Trinidad and Tobago at the FIFA desk.

"But I have some serious concerns about the propriety of a Minister of Government of Trinidad and Tobago holding executive authority in an organisation, local or foreign," Rowley said.

"As far as I am concerned, Mr Warner has to choose to be a FIFA executive or a Minister of Government in Trinidad and Tobago," he added.

Rowley said the government must not change the rules to suit an individual "at this stage in our development."

He added, "If we are talking about elevating our country’s growth, talking about improved accountability, talking about rebuilding of trust in government, then it must not only be done, it must be seen to be done.

"And as long as the potential for a conflict of interest exists, or not giving 100 per cent to the office, then we starting off on the wrong foot."

Rowley also demanded an explanation from Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar to explain why she appointed Warner to the cabinet after he made it very clear that he was not resigning from FIFA.

He said there is a view that the Prime Minister "is hostage to powerful forces" and said if her decision to appoint Warner is because of "the individual being who he is" then the Prime Minister "has to account to us".

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