There is an urgency to the matter since the PSC's term in office expires on June 30.
PSC Chairman Christopher Thomas told the local media the commission intends to discuss the matter of the acting commissioner in light of the decision by Parliament to approve three deputy Deputy Commissioners - Stephen Williams, Maurice Piggott and Canadian Jack Ewatski.
All three of them would have seniority over Philbert once they receive their instruments of appointment. Philbert's rank is Assistant Commissioner of Police (ACP).
The Trinidad Express reported Monday that one senior police officer has called for the appointment of one of the three deputies to act as police commissioner to prevent tension in the service.
If the PSC moves in that direction the person likely to be get the nod would be Williams, whose name is top on the order of merit list in the deputy CoP category, followed by Piggott and Ewatski.
The Trinidad Express quoted Senior Counsel Dana Seetahal Monday as stating that Philbert has ultimate control of the service, since he was appointed to the post before provisions were made to deal with acting executive appointments.
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