Sunday, June 13, 2010

Letter: Of editorials and scandals

A recent Guardian editorial expressed concern that Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar seems to have "locked" herself and the Government into an uncalled-for bind by taking the position that no minister will travel abroad on state business until the Parliament is convened on Friday.

I beg to differ with that editorialist, however, since from all the evidence surfacing it is blatantly evident that Mrs. Persad-Bissessar and her administration are themselves locked in a bind, courtesy of the PNM of course.

Does that editorialist not realise the gravity of the situation facing our new Prime Minister and her Cabinet? Daily as we read the papers all sensible people are wondering just where it will end.

Many will by now be wondering just what I am referring to.

I refer, of course, to the financial state of the government institution (our country) which they recently acquired - giving Patrick Manning and his wajangs and spendthrifts a sound cut tail in the process!

From what is emerging it is indeed a pity that this did not occur in '07 - we would certainly have had more money at hand to right the PNM wrongs.

The latest to surface is what can only be called a "slush fund", to the tune of more than $2m; obviously a vote buying exercise immediately prior to the election.

The defeated Patrick Manning also purchased Air Jamaica during the run up to the election and it seems that directors on State boards were also granted substantial increases during that period.

Just how much is actually left in our Treasury with which to run the country?

Right now dear editorialist the most important task facing the new administration is to ascertain what tools they have to work with and who must answer, to the courts if necessary, for this profligate waste of an oil windfall.

They, the new administration, are the ones in a bind. Their primary obligation lies with their own people, not meeting with, or entertaining, foreign dignitaries. That was Patrick Manning's forte - and part of his downfall.

I think it might be safe to assume that the nation is in a bind - once more! - thanks to the mighty (in)efficient PNM. Perhaps if the PNM had "locked" themselves in a little more often we would not now be in this "bind"!

That they are again assiduously working at their politics of mass distraction is obvious.

Is Rowley trying to prove that he is doing his job as leader of the opposition? Pity he didn't do it when he was in the office and all those houses were built that are now going to cost probably millions to be made habitable.

Virginia Verity | via e-mail

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Jai & Sero

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Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai