Saturday, June 5, 2010

Letter; Long list of MPs had dual roles, including Eric Williams

There will be no basis for visceral tribal fears.

The People’s Partnership will endure as long as the COP factor plays its intellectual role and refrains from palace intrigue. Its leadership must recognise its junior partnership in the bar of public approval and practice self restraint in its ambitions.

The vaunted self sacrifice of Mr. Dookeran is a misperception. Mr. Dookeran himself has admitted his party’s decline and has wisely sought to reignite his own ambition by way of succession not otherwise possible by personal striving.

The COP has been a beneficiary of events outside of mortal control. To claim prescience or sacrifice is delusive.

The UNC has secured enough seats to ensure its majority in the event of any ill advised secession, and by dint of its anticipated administrative success will continue to gain the support of the wider community.

All it has to do immediately is to right the ship of state by stamping out corruption, coming to grips with crime, and channelling our resources in thrifty directions.

The Rowley led PNM has started by shooting itself in the foot over the JAWFIFA affair. Draper, Thomasos, Capildeo, Sinanan, and others are precedents that Mr. Rowley has blindsided.

Even Dr. Williams pursued his historian and authorial careers while serving as PM and Corporation Sole.

The Equal Opportunity Bill initiated by the UNC and stoutly suppressed by the PNM will be implemented and inter-racial accord will see a new dawn. There will be no basis for visceral tribal fears, and astute governance will prove what a caring government can really deliver.

M.F. Rahman - via email

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Jai & Sero

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Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai