Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Laptops for kids before cabinet Thursday

The People's partnership government of Kamla Persad-Bissessar is set to fulfill another of its campaign pledges.

On Thursday, Cabinet will will receive a note from Education Minister Dr Tim Gopeesingh on laptop computers for estimated 17,000 students who sat the 2010 SEA exam.

“The IT teams from both the Ministry of Public Administration and Education met over the weekend and produced a report which is ready for Cabinet and this will be taken to Cabinet on Thursday,” Gopeesingh told local media.

Gopeesingh also said the IT teams met with an inter-ministerial team last Friday and showed the members various computer components, including a model used in Uruguay where more than 400,000 schoolchildren have been given computers.

A list of international computer manufacturers will be on the note for cabinet.

Gopeesingh said the estimated budget for equipment would be made public when Cabinet makes a decision the matter.

He also disclosed that the ministry will arrange with the teachers' union to have teachers trained in teaching computer studies.

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