Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Jack gets big welcome home, says he broke no rules

Jack Warner returned home to a hero's welcome Tuesday from his visit to South Africa for the opening of the Fifa World Cup.

His role as Fifa's most senior Vice President has created a controversy, with opposition leader Keith Rowley suggesting that holding both that post and being minister of works and transport could cause a conflict of interest.

Several respected legal opinions have stated that there is no conflict. However, in its focus on transparency, the new government has sought the advice of three QC's on the matter.

The cabinet fully supports Warner and Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar has said that her works minister will always do the right thing.

On his return Tuesday, Warner stated that he has done nothing wrong and explained that there is no conflict since Fifa is a non profit organisation and he holds a position that carries no salary.

At the same time he pledged that he will abide by the legal opinion that will be handed to Attorney General Anand Ramlogan.

The homecoming was a love fest for Trinidad and Tobago's most popular MP.

In a short address to the welcoming crowd he took a campaign posture. "What have I done to offend Rowley so much?" he asked as supporters responded with insults for the opposition leader.

Warner got lusty applause as he stated, "I have asked the Ministry of Works and Transport for no favours except to serve you. No favours except to fix the roads, the bridges and the drains, to solve the traffic jam problems, to sit with my colleagues in the Cabinet to help improve your lives."

He added, "I have asked for the favour of doing all those things at no cost to the Government, except one dollar." The Chaguanas West MP has a policy of donating his ministerial salary to charity. He did the same since he was first elected as an MP in 2007.

He spoke of his 28-year association with Fifa, which never seemed to be a problem for Rowley, the PNM or anyone until now. He said it is "the same FIFA that brought Mandela to this country, that saw the Soca Warriors qualifying in Germany, that helped me meet leaders of the world."

He asked what law he broke by being in Fifa. "By being in the Ministry of Works and Transport, what law did I break? What code of ethics did I transgress?

"If Mr Rowley is so concerned about the code of ethics, why did he not raise his voice when his Prime Minister made his wife a member of the Cabinet , not once, not twice, but three times? What did Rowley say? Nothing!" Warner said.

"If Rowley wants he can take the Ministry of Works from me...He can even take the Fifa Vice-Presidency ...But the one thing he will never do is take your love away from me, and mine from you," Warner said.

Several of Warner's political colleagues were among those welcoming Warner home including Multicultural Minister Winston ’Gypsy’ Peters and Warner's junior minister, Rudranath Indarsingh, Chaguanas Mayor Natasha Navas, UNC Deputy Political Leader Lyndira Oudit and Caricom Cultural Ambassador, Makandal Daaga.

Daaga told supporters the controversy over Warner's dual role is an attempt to persecute the man who epitomises national unity and helped make a 40-year dream of unity come true.

"This man who is trying to help the country without getting one cent, you want to remove him... I say that if there is any law in the country that would deny a man from trying to serve his people, that law must go!

"If there is any edict that would prevent a man who freely wants to serve his people, that edict must go! And if as a Government we want to change it, then by Jesus Christ, let’s change it!" he declared.

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Jai & Sero

Our family at home in Toronto 2008

Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai