- Conduct a comprehensive assessment of the operations of CAL with a view to identifying opportunities for improving the efficiency and pro fitability of the airline
- Undertake a comprehensive cost/benefi t evaluation of the proposed/new arrangements involving CAL and Air Jamaica from both a fi nancial and economic perspective
- Make recommendations regarding the preferred future strategic direction for CAL to
- secure maximum bene fits for the citizens of Trinidad and Tobago in the short, medium and long term
The three-member committee will comprise:
- Conrad Aleong - Former CEO, BWIA
- Selby Wilson - Management Consultant
- Krishna Boodhai - CEO, ICATT
The minister said in view of the information regarding deal that was concluded by the Manning administration between CAL and Air Jamaica there is an urgent need to clarify the precise nature and scope of the deal "particularly having regard to the possible signi ficant level of fiscal resources involved."
Dookeran said he was particularly concerned about the relative lack of disclosure regarding the deal and the need to ensure that the resources of the country are utilized for the maximum benefi t of its citizens.
Read the full report at the TT gov't web page
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