Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Forensic audit of UTT in hands of AG: Karim

Science and Tertiary Education Minister Fazal Karim said Tuesday Attorney General Anand Ramlogan has received a forensic audit into the University of Trinidad and Tobago (UTT).

"We would be soon advised to the details of the audit and the conduct of it. The procurement practices, the rental of buildings, acquisition of properties and other issues are engaging the attention of the forensic auditor," Karim said during a visit to the UTT campus in Arima.

"We were informed the UTT bill would be reviewed in the context of tertiary education policy and a bill. There has been issues of integration of other institutions like Cipriani and that would not happen. Cipriani will maintain its autonomy and its identity," he added.

The minister also announced a freeze on all new hiring and travels during the review of UTT.
Karim explained that the review would indicate whether the university's programs are in keeping with future needs based on labour market demands.

He said he would continue to have meetings with UTT together and with employers to determine the needs of the workplace and to ensure that the university is in tune with these needs.

He has asked all institutions under his ministry to complete a one-year action plan.

“Within six months they should ensure there is a five-year action plan and we expect that before or by February 2011 all institutions would comply to ensure they have that plan which would assist us in facilitation of the plan and the budget of the Government,” he said.

Professor Ramesh Deosaran is now acting President of the University of TT. Professor Ken Julien resigned from the post with effect from May 26.

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