Monday, May 10, 2010

Vandals hit UNC's Pointe-a-Pierre office; PNM condemns it

Vandals have attacked a United National Congress (UNC) sub-office at Taruba in the Pointe-a-Pierre constituency and plastered flyers for the People's National Movement (PNM) candidate over those of the UNC's Errol McLeod.

But the PNM candidate Christine Kangaloo quickly condemned the action.

McLeod said Kangaloo called him and said her people were not responsible for the vandalism and he gave her the benefit of the doubt.

"I can only take them at their word," McLeod said.

And he warned people to conduct the campaign peacefully.
"I will advise be vigilant because you can have agents provocateurs just springing up all over the place and there are many mercenaries not only in radio, there are many mercenaries stalking the land and we need to be very careful of them," McLeod told the Trinidad Express.

Kangaloo condemned the vandalism, calling it unnecessary. She told reporters she spoke with McLeod and indicated to him that her party is running a clean fight and that her team would not tolerate such behaviour.

"We have absolutely no need to do anything like this. I feel very strongly that this is no way to engage in political campaigning. This type of behaviour is absolutely unnecessary as far as we in the PNM are concerned," she told the Express.

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Jai & Sero

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Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai