Thursday, May 13, 2010

Rowley says Kamla encouraging squatting

Former Housing Minister Keith Rowley has accused the opposition of having no housing policy and instead is encouraging squatting.

Rowley is the candidate for the PNM in Diego Martin West. He is not involved in the party's national campaign, but is getting a lot of media attention because of his conflicts with his leader, Patrick Manning, which led to his expulsion from cabinet.

Manning still holds Rowley responsible for alleged discrepancies at the government's Cleaver Heights Housing Project that started while Rowley was housing minister.

Manning has said Rowley must explain a missing $10 million and many other problems at Cleaver Heights. Rowley has been cleared of any wrongdoing, but just before the election was announced the attorney general announced a forensic audit of the project.

Rowley has suggested that this election would be about PNM corruption, especially as it relates to UDeCOTT and its former executive chairman Calder Hart, whom Manning has consistently defended even though he is the subject of a criminal investigation.

Speaking at a political meeting Wednesday night, Rowley said citizens must not vote a personal charisma but for sound policies.

"When you have to choose a have to pay attention to the policies that the candidate represents," he said.

He focused on a statement made by UNC leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar Tuesday night in which she stated that a People's Partnership government would not touch aor break down anybody's house unless it can offer the family a home.

Rowley said that is encouraging lawlessness because she is saying "to hell with the law the Parliament pass...go out and squat wherever you want, and the government won’t touch you until they find a house for you."

He said that is a preview of what is to come if Persad-Bissessar becomes prime minister.

"Someone who knows the law should not be so cavalier with the law. But that gives you an idea of what they will do if they get into government," he told PNM supporters.

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Jai & Sero

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Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai